Yarmouth, MAINE - Parks, Recreation & Community Services
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Chris Prinn Memorial Hockey Tournament

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Saturday, January 25 6:00 - 8:00 pm: Adult Saturday Night Skate
Join fellow adult hockey players in informal games in honor of Yarmouth native Chris Prinn. Teams assigned based on who is present. Helmets and gloves required. Also join for a post-skate drink at Brickyard Hollow Yarmouth. Gifts in memory of Chris Prinn to Yarmouth Hockey Boosters can be made via venmo to @yarmouthhockeyboosters  to support hockey in Yarmouth.

Sunday, January 26 7:30 - 9:00 am: Girls High School Skate.
Members of the Yarmouth Freeport Girls Hockey Team and all local girls high school skaters are invited to register for a morning of 3 v 3 scrimmages. Teams assigned after registration. Helmets and gloves required. Varsity and junior varsity players are encouraged to join this annual event in honor of Yarmouth native Chris Prinn and enjoy some community hockey on the Yarmouth pond!

Sunday, January 26, 9:00 - 10:30 am: Boys and Girls Youth Hockey Skate
All young skaters, including those learning to skate, join hockey players from the boys and girls high school teams for an open skate. Get tips from older players, skate with friends, enjoy a day to remember Yarmouth hockey player Chris Prinn. Bring your own skates, stick, helmet and gloves!

Sunday, January 26 10:30 - 12:00 pm: Boys High School Skate.
Members of the YarmouthCheverus Boys Hockey Team and all local boys high school skaters are invited to register for a morning of 3 v 3 scrimmages. Teams assigned after registration. Helmets and gloves required. Varsity and junior varsity players encouraged to join this annual event in honor of Yarmouth native Chris Prinn and enjoy some community hockey on the Yarmouth pond!

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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